My little Walter

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Did I keep my word?

If you are wondering if I kept my word and stayed away from Walter's corral...well, sort of?

Saturday afternoon as I was watering the trees and weeds he kept trying to get my attention. It just broke my heart to have to ignore him.  After I finished I went inside but my conscience got the best of me so I snuck on over there (it was dark already) and spent some time with him being ever vigilant not to be seen.

Tonight after we got back from the Lake I went to pay him a visit.  He seemed calm and even though he was eating he came to the fence line and I petted him and then let him go back to eating his supper.

His owner's red truck was gone so hopefully he went back to work?  If the kids would only go away for Spring Break then he would have it made in the shade :-)

Thank you for visiting Walter's World.