My little Walter

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Meet Pedrito's sidekick

The first time I noticed Pedrito hiding behind the shed/garage I thought he was alone.  It did not take long to notice that another dog was with him.  I can't be 100 percent sure it is a male but I sure hope it is!

Except for one occasion when I fed both of them...his sidekick takes off when he sees me.  I have tried to talk to him in a soft voice but he wont get near me.  All I know is that Pedrito pretty much calls the shots and he does what he tells him.

I was impressed with Pedrito the first time I fed him because he saved some food for his friend but lately it has not been that way...he eats the whole darn thing.  I have tried to feed him when the Pedrito is sleeping but again he takes off :-(

The only pictures I have of him were taken through the kitchen window.

Thinking he is male...which he might be, I thought of calling him Tomas, Tomacito or Tommie but I have been calling him Tontolin lately.  Tontolin is a non-offensive Spanish word for someone that is not very bright.  I know, that is mean...perhaps he is just shy?