My little Walter

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Another Bridle

I have no idea why Walter's owner keeps on changing his bridle.  Today he had a dirty old pinkish bridle...the same kind that Claire the mare had.

I have two ways to get to the corral, one is through the grove of mesquites but people can see me from the street or the back way through the side of the garage, it gives me more stealth but I have a smaller path to walk through and a lot more prickly plants to navigate.

Decided to go the back way, when I spotted Annie (a very friendly cat) as she was pouncing on something...froze on my tracks afraid it might be a rat or a snake.

She kept on swatting at something dark brown but I could not see very well as it was getting dark and I need new glasses.  Decided to go to the corral through the grove of mesquite instead...yes, I am a big chicken!

I believe it might have been a field mice...then she ate it!  :-(

I brought Mr. Walter some water since I could not see whether or not he had some.  He did not seem to be in a good mood today.  As I was pouring water in his green container, he tried and almost succeeded in toppling it over and getting me wet...he wanted FOOD not water.

Remember I mentioned his owner had brought him some hay?  Well, I believe this is more "prop hay" as he did not bother to feed him at all today even though the temperature went down to 27 last night. Did a zoom on the stack but it was getting dark so will try to get a better picture of it tomorrow.

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