My little Walter

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Meet Lola

My parent's house is located in southern Val Verde County and unfortunately is home to many stray dogs and cats. The County did away with its Animal Shelter about 25 years ago due to budget constraints. It actually was not an official shelter but the clinic of a local veterinary.

Many animals wander the streets and I often saw a big female dog wandering around who obviously was lactating many puppies. I have no idea where she lived if she had an owner or was a stray but she seemed to always be pregnant.

Late last year I saw her again or perhaps one of her offspring. I was walking to the gate to call her over when Mr. Joe shooed her away and it really pissed me off. In March 2022 I saw her again this time she had come in through the down fence. I called out to her, she was hesitant at first since she has obviously been run off so often but she warmed up to me. Note she is wearing a collar but when I looked at was worn and you could not even make out who was the entity that issued it or a collar number.

I had a hard time trying to take her picture and petting her at the same time...she was gentle and friendly.

This month she has come for a visit three times and has enjoyed some grub and water. Here she seemed to be taking a break and waiting on me to give her a treat.

I decided to name her Lola but as you know I have a bad habit of naming an animal one name and then they turn out to be the opposite sex.

I think I might have made the same mistake but I will have to get a better look next time. Since it has been so hot this week I have left her a bucket of cool water out for him or her to drink at their leisure.

Today I am missing one cat...Nicolás...he never came for breakfast or dinner but it is not the first time he goes AWOL. Of all the cats he is the one I never worry about because he seems to have other sources of food as he is way too chunky to have gained that weight on my watch alone.

Thank you for visiting Walter's World.

Cat Humor