My little Walter

Monday, August 18, 2014

Who moved the dead cat?

Had to make a trip to town and as I was approaching the stop sign on our street I noticed that the dead cat was no longer inside our property but just outside the downed fence.

How strange, as nasty as it looked yesterday...who would have moved it?  The lazy teenager and his friends were parked in a red truck by the corral. Did the stink get to them?  I seriously doubt they would have moved it for Walter's sake.

On the way back I snapped a quick picture but either I am blind or I just did not get the cat in the picture. Well, in a way that is wasn't a pretty picture. Oh yikes...I just saw him or her.  Do not click on the picture if you don't want to see it. I only snapped it to document the event, not because I enjoy taking gruesome pictures :-(

Went to check on Walter later on in the afternoon but they had him grazing in front of their house.  I could not even call it grazing since they really do not have anything for the poor horse to eat.

Ralph finally made an appearance and after feeding him we went back to the corral but a little cotton tail caught his attention and he decided to chase it instead of protecting me!


  1. I would guess a dog might have moved it. They like to roll in rotten stuff.

    1. You think? I don't know that much about dogs but I guess it could be.

  2. Whew. Gave me a bit of a scare there. Didn't want to click on the picture, I was afraid the deceased cat was little you-know-who. That's what I get for reading backwards instead of chronologically, I guess.

    Do you have coyotes around there? They're not usually so picky, though. Whatever moved it must have decided it was too spoiled to eat.

    1. No, heavens to Betsy not my tiny wandering cat! I would have been very upset, I think I am beginning to get attached to him.

      Thankfully we do not have coyotes in this area. This morning the poor dead cat had been dragged further to the curve side so I am beginning to think that perhaps Trouble is right and it was the work of dogs.

  3. PS) I can't get over how lush & lovely your yard is for that part of Texas. Walter should live there always.

    1. Our yard lovely? Not by a long shot...mainly overgrown and full of weeds. The header shot of Walter by the red water container was taken using the zoom function of my cheap camera and for once it took a good picture.

      I guess you missed this post on my main blog ...

      That post shows a more realistic view of our yard and plants typical of West Texas.

      I too wish Walter would live here or at the very least for his owner to bring him more often.

      Mom does have a lot of trees in her front yard but the rest are mesquite and other trees that grow wild.
