My little Walter

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Behavioral Change

In the early part of February I began to notice that Pedrito no longer spent most of the day at the house.  Even when I did not feed him much in the past, he would be gone for a while but would always come back.

I noticed he started leaving early in the morning and not coming back until late at night and only to sleep. His sidekick Tontolin stayed most of the day which I found odd as he is always following him around.

I had bought them another bag of dog food even though I had said I wasn't.  He ate it when he came over but once again was gone by sunlight.  A few days later Tontolin disappeared too :-(

Mother thought perhaps the dog catcher caught them but I had to remind her that the County does not have a dogcatcher nor a pound to house them.  It just seemed so strange.  I even drove around to see if he had gotten run over and thankfully that was not the case.

It was already dark when I went to take out the trash on Wednesday, February 11th and he came out of the blue without making a sound, something that I particular dislike about him and Ralph both...they never make their presence known.

I was so happy to see him!  Felt bad for thinking that he might be a goner. Told him to wait while I went to get his doggie plate. But he looked different, like he was in a rush.  He ate his food and left.

It was like he came to say...don't worry about me, I am going to be fine.

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