My little Walter

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Break through moment

I am finding out a lot about Pedrito.  I was proud of him when I first fed him that he had left some food for his friend Tontolin.  Turns out that was not the case.  He left some so HE could eat it later.  He does not let him come near the food.

You would think that being strays and buddies he would feel sorry for him as I am sure they went hungry on many occasions and would share at least a little :-(

I have tried to feed him when Pedrito is napping but as soon as Tontolin sees me...he takes off. Yesterday, we finally had a break through moment.  Pedrito having eaten fell asleep, while Tontolin was napping in the front yard.  I slowly opened the door and showed him a turkey leg bone, he ran off but not very far as he watched me leave it on the ground.

Went inside and spied on him.  He came back, got the bone and went to the adjacent lot to eat it. Waited a while and went and offered him some more bones...again he came over and got them.

I think Pedrito whom I now call Pedro must be the leader of the strays because he pretty much runs the show and they obey.


  1. I'm just now catching up on a few of your last posts. I know dogs don't do things humans are taught to do, such as share, but it makes me pretty annoyed when they won't.

    I had a black lab that I raised from a baby. He was the most non-dominant dog in the world. Once when he was eating from his bowl, my teen-aged youngest son got down on the floor and acted like he wanted to eat - the dog moved over so they could share the bowl. I want to cry everytime I think of it.

    1. What a lasting memory to have of a dog's generosity and willingness to share.

      Nope, that will never be Pedrito but at least I found a way to make him share albeit without his knowledge :)
