My little Walter

Sunday, January 29, 2017

January 2017 Critter Update

I can not believe I have not made a post in 2017.  We had rain about two weeks ago along with cold temperatures and since I have yet to purchase a doghouse for Pedrito, I did not want him exposed to the elements.

It was on Friday afternoon after the school kids had already made their way home that I finally decided to release him.  The first thing he did was run out the back down fence to the street behind the house.  I could hear the dogs on that street go crazy but what could I do?

I do not like to have him tied up but I do not want to face any lawsuits either. Though he is more bark than bite.  I moved his cucha to the covered area by the kitchen door but he paid no attention to it.  He installed himself behind the old washing machine where Oscar up to know slept.

He tried to bully Oscar but I quickly straighten him out.  I think he realized that he preferred to be loose and decided to mind me. Things never go as expected...then Oscar started to bully him!

The cucha went unused for a couple of days.  Then one morning as I came out to feed them, to my surprise Oscar had taken over it and up until today that remains the case.

Oscar with a swollen right jaw

I am worried about Oscar, he sleeps a lot and his cheek continues to be swollen.  I have been giving him the medication for swelling but it does not seem to be working.  I am going to somehow have to fit in a trip to the vet in my already full agenda.

I am surprised that Tammie continues to show no ill effects of her encounter with the porcupine. Unlike Oscar, she has a good appetite and now eats his food much like he used to eat hers prior to the attack.


Pedrito seems to have a problem with itching, he scratches himself raw.  I get a lot of e-mails from 1-800-Pedmeds and I am surprised at all there is out there for pets.  I saw a shampoo but that would involve a bath...I do not think either one of us is ready for that least not in winter.

The shampoo and other things for itching are on the expensive side, can only wonder how much more they sell for at the Vet's.  I was at Dollar Tree the other day and saw a dog oatmeal shampoo and almost bought it as the cheapest one I found online was $8.99 plus S&H.

Thinking perhaps he might have some allergies I gave him baby Benadryl but that does not seem to have helped him either.  Since I can not possibly take two dogs at particular these two that do not like each other...I will have to program a separate trip for each to the vet :-(