Tuesday, July 19. 2022 after having hardly slept... much like the last time I took Donald to the vet in México...I started my day early by setting up my two Pet Taxis in strategic places around dad's old car where I feed my brood.
Like last time my main focus was capturing Luna but that is easier said than done. She does not trust anyone and won't even allow me to come near her much less pet her. I bought some heavy-duty leather gloves at DD's at a bargain price the last time I was there. My first choice was thorn-proof garden gloves from Walmart.com but they have gone up significantly in price since I last placed them on my list.
To say we had a struggle is putting it mildly. Luna went wild and I was in serious need of long gloves like in the above picture. She got one of her paws inside one glove where she managed to scratch me once before I let go of her...she took off like a bat out of hell...😠
My second choice was Chester who was so willing to be placed on the smaller of the Pet Taxis last time but did not fit...decided he too would give me a hard time but at least he did not try to scratch me.
Here is a picture I took of him before we left for México...he looks a little worried!
I do not know if it was due to the heat or maybe because it was Tuesday but there was very little traffic crossing the border into México.
Likewise, at the vet's, there was plenty of parking space and his office was not full of clients like there usually is. After the vet checked him over he told me to come to pick him up after
12:30 p.m. I was pleasantly surprised because that meant I did not have to make two trips.Before being taken to have his surgery, Chester wanted to send a video message to Governor Greg Abbott of Texas...
Translation from cat to human talk: Help me, Governor Abbott, I want you to protect my male cat reproductive rights! Why is this woman deciding for me?I left him and went to run errands in Ciudad Acuña which I will cover in more detail in my other blog Terlingua Dreams. Click on the header picture and it will take you there though I have yet to write it... give me until this afternoon.
Picked Chester up at the agreed-upon time. Once again I paid 2,450.00 Mexican Pesos... which consisted of $2,300.00 for the surgery and $150.00 pesos for his vaccines... today's exchange rate was $20.00 pesos to one US dollar...$122.50 USD.
There were only two cars in front of me to cross back to the USA. By this time it was much hotter so I will give credit to the weather for the smaller lines.
Thank you for visiting Walter's World.