My little Walter

Friday, January 30, 2015

Making strides

It has been a little challenging getting used to having two dogs and a cat but we are slowly making strides. I should really say one dog because Tontolin (his temporary name) is still elusive and wont come near me.

I have only had one dog in my entire life but I have had a long string of cats. What can I say?...I am a cat person so it has been an adjustment for me as well.

Yesterday was the last sunny day in the 70's which we will have for a while.  I took the opportunity to wash clothes and hung them up in the clothesline.  Spent a lot of time outside and bonded a little more with Pedrito.

Remember I felt sorry for him for having a bum leg?  Turns out it might have been his own fault. He likes to chase cars as they go by.  I gave him a stern talking to!  Tontolin likes to do the same.

Ralph has been by every single day since they have been here.  Seems he does not want to lose any ground to the dogs and wants to maintain his status as the favorite pet at the Del Rio branch of Terlingua Dreams. :D

I did not keep my word of not feeding them.  Ended up buying a large bag of dog food. Sure wish Pedrito would share some of it with Tontolin like he did the first time I fed them both.

While not best pals at least Ralph and Pedrito are trying to get along.

This afternoon I went to check on Walter and both Ralph and Pedrito followed me.  I wish I had had my camera handy and taken a picture of the three of them :-)

Thank you for dropping by.