My little Walter

Thursday, April 11, 2013

A Trip to the Vet or to be Bred?

Once again I could not go visit him this morning because his owner was home.  A was in the backyard when I heard a ruckus.  It was Ramon (made up name for his owner) backing up his truck and hooking up Walter's horse trailer.

Went back to what I was doing, then I heard him yell "Hey, hey!" and I saw Walter running around and he trying to catch him...hope he got his shiny boots full of poop! :D

They left around 12:10 p.m. and were back by 3:30 p.m.  You might ask yourself...Belinda, are you stalking Ramon and Walter? silly...I was outside for hours today, more on my main blog :-(

Could it be that Ramon saw little Walter laying down yesterday and went to have him checked out? or is it like I suspect and he is breeding him?

I was pretty busy and Ramon was outside... but I could see that he fed and watered Walter well this afternoon.