My little Walter

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Claire is gone

This evening when I went to feed and water her, found she was no longer there.  Her dirty ice chest, the two five gallon buckets and the cardboard box where I fed her her pellets were gone as well.

Drove further down the Vega and saw a couple sitting in a stream and they kind of resembled the couple I saw watering her the other day...but where was their car?  Did they take her to a more dense area to graze?

Decided to drive by her owner's house but there was no Claire.  Even made two turns around her house but she was no where in sight.

It was already late and I was in dad's old car that has one headlight did not want to chance getting stopped and being issued a ticket...will look for her tomorrow.


  1. Replies
    1. You don't know how much I would like to believe that were the case! Nothing would make me happier.

      However, it would take a miracle or someone who has connections to make it happen. Quite frankly I doubt someone in that position would read my blog or even know about Claire's plight.
