My little Walter

Saturday, March 15, 2014

I have to thank Walter

I do not like doctors and I only go to see one if I am dying.  I thought I had it bad with the flu I suffered through during December and January but nothing compares to the pain endured recently in my legs.

Just last Friday - March 7th I saw them feed Walter in the morning but no one came back to feed or water him until Monday March 10th.  Sunday he was going crazy in his corral and I knew he was hungry but there is no way I could have made it over to him let alone carry food or water with me.

It was Spring Break in Del Rio and feared those worthless owners of his had left for the weekend.  So it was my little Walter that made my mind up.  Since the doctor was in his dinner break (in Mexico people eat their main meal from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.) went riding around to kill time.  It was funny that I would come across these two kids walking their horses.

This one bore a resemblance to Walter...what do you think?

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