Blanca is still hobbling and it wasn't until today that I had my camera handy to take a picture of her injury.
I was busy cleaning the trunk of dad's old car when she along with her now grown cats decided to come over and act as supervisors :)
There are three stray cats who lay around the northern fence and now have a clear view of the kitchen porch. They know this is where I feed my boys on top of the old washing machine.
You can see a white ball in the far right by the fence. |
The other night Nico was just sitting there watching one of them eat without doing anything about it. I dashed outside and ran him or her off.
This afternoon Blanca saw the same one eating and despite her bad leg took off after it. I had to make my way there as they were making these horrible sounds like they were going to fight.
When I got there the other cat took off and Blanca started sniffing around and then went to the adjacent lot after it even though I called her back.
Never a dull moment with four cats around.