My little Walter

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The boys as well as the horses welcomed the change in temperatures

Even the boys seemed to have welcomed the change in temperatures.  I saw them more active and not going to bed as soon as they had their breakfast.  Even the horses seemed more energetic.

However, that does not always work out for the best.  Saw Nico climbing down a tree with something in his mouth.  I knew right then and there that it was NOT a rat but a little bird.  I have no idea why he does this when he had just finished eating :-(

Katie has been coming daily to eat with them but I have not seen her kittens in a long time, in particular, Precious.  He/She is so cute but Sonny constantly bullies him/her and runs it off.

Thank you for visiting Walter's World.


  1. Replies
    1. You are right Rob, I have to remember they are after all animals and go on instinct...but I still do not like it :-(
