My little Walter

Sunday, July 26, 2020

A marking I had not noticed on Katie and her kittens

I have mentioned before that both Katie and her kittens are afraid of me and elusive to photograph.  The few pictures I have of them I have taken from afar. Since I do not have a camera I use a cellphone and I have to crop the pictures which result in pictures of low-grade quality.

I was downloading some pictures of them when it became apparent to me that they had a marking I had not noticed before.  See for yourselves.

Here is Momma Katie upper left savoring her food and little Nico on the center giving me a "human let me eat" look.

Here is my favorite Little Katie (temporary name)...

Do you all see the letter M marking they all have?  Little Katie is growing up so fast and is so curious.

Thank you for visiting Walter's World.

Aunty Acid Pet Saying of the Day


  1. That is definitely a noticeable M marking.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Thank you for agreeing Rick, I can not believe I did not notice it before.

  2. Hmmm.. they carry the "M" for "M"sBelinda!
