My little Walter

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Two down and three more to go...

With the border closed, I thought it would be easier to schedule an appointment with the vet in Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila, México. I found that not to be the case in April as I could not obtain one until May at which time I took Bonnie Mae to be fixed. Unfortunately, I was not able to catch Molly and had to postpone her surgery to a later date.

I called in August but could not secure one until September. No one had any idea that the week of my appointment would coincide with the Haitian migrant crisis in Del Rio that lead to the closing of the Mexico/USA border for a week.

I called to reschedule and again had to wait for another month where I was able to secure one for Friday- October 22, 2021. I typically try not to cross the border on Fridays as the lines into México tend to be long and slow especially in the afternoon when I have to make a return trip to pick them up.

There has been this huge male white cat with beige spots that has been coming around lately and my fear has been that he would impregnate my little girls especially my beautiful Muñeca who at seven months old is still the size of a 10-week old kitten and a pregnancy could endanger her life.

This time I was better prepared and had my two cat carriers ready in different parts of the yard. My main emphasis was to trap Molly because Muñeca is very loveable and allows me to pet her unlike her siblings Barnabas and Donald.

Wouldn't you know it...I would trap Molly but I had to place her in the smaller of the crates...the one where I was going to take Muñeca! It took longer to pay at the US toll booths than it took to cross to Ciudad Acuña.

The only problem with this veterinary practice is that he has a lot of patients making parking close by almost impossible. I had to walk four blocks with two pet carriers. Thank goodness Molly and Muñeca do not weigh that much!

This time I did not go shopping I came back home and took a two-hour nap since I slept very little the night before. I went back at 5:00 p.m. and unlike back in May, there was very little traffic for a Friday...likewise to cross back to the USA.

Both of my girls are doing well. Now we still have Donald, Barnabas, and Grayson to take care of.

Thank you for visiting Walter's World.

Cat Humor


  1. Being a caring loving Mom, be it cat or human, is a gift & a lot of work Ms.Belinda- Your cats will benefit greatly from this.

    1. Hi Mr. Souze, indeed being a cat Mom is a lot of work especially when I have eight of them who chose me to be their slave :-D

  2. I haven't visited this blog in a while so glad you jogged my memory in your other post.
    I am so glad you were able to get your cats taken care of in time to prevent unwanted kittens. Your little cat sounds so sweet.
    I was surprised you could still cross over. Del Rio has been in the news several times.
    Good luck catching the rest of the crew. I am sure you have developed several strategies by now. Still, outdoor cats get pretty crafty at avoiding capture.

    1. Sometimes I go months without posting on this blog in particular now that it is so difficult to upload pictures from the new phone to my computer. I need to start making more posts as my babies grow up so fast.

      The only time Mexico asked people not to come was when the pandemic was at its peak and there were no vaccines. Along the border with the vaccines that Mexico bought and some that the USA donated they have a higher vaccination rate than its twin city Del Rio.

      The border closings have affected the economies of both nations and while I can only vouch for Ciudad Acuña/Del Rio...the truth is that Mexico needs the money and they welcome tourists.

      However, the treatment is not reciprocal on the USA side and they send Mexican citizens back if they do not have a good excuse for entering the country even if they have a current visa. The border officially opens back up next week.

      No strategies here when it comes to trying to catch cats who do not want to be caught.

  3. I will often email myself pictures from my phone.

    1. I take a lot of pictures and I only know how to email myself one at a time and that gets to be time consuming.

      Sometimes I still use my old phone that I can just download directly to my PC but the picture quality has gone downhill I presume because it's so old.
