My little Walter

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Another day of riding

Looked out the kitchen window this morning and did not see Walter.  Thought perhaps he might be up front by his owner's house so I went to investigate but did not see him, his horse trailer or the newer truck his owner is currently driving.

Uneaten hay

Became a little concerned because yesterday afternoon he did not look good.  His eyes were sad looking and he wasn't himself.  Then I saw that he had not finished eating his hay something he never does.  Thought perhaps 1) he was sick and they took him to the vet or 2) his owner was in such a hurry he did not even let him finish eating.

Later in the afternoon I saw he was back in his corral.  He was eating what he did not get to finish this morning. He still had the saddle marks on his back and he looked dirty.

Tonight is going to be very cold.  At first when I did not see him this morning I was hopeful that his owner had taken him to his nephew's house so at least he could keep warm being close to other horses but alas that did not turn out to be the case.

At least he is getting some exercise and for that I am grateful.

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