My little Walter

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Empty water barrel on a 99 degree day

We had a high of 99 today. I did not go outside until 7:30 p.m. as I had to run an errand in town.  As I was walking to the garage, I saw Walter trying to get my attention and moving wildly side to side.  Just from his movements I knew he did not have any water.

Sure enough he didn't.  Apparently when he knocked down the barrel he broke that pipe contraption his owner rigged up.  The worthless teenager only limited himself to picking it up so passing traffic would not see it knocked down.

I took five gallons which he quickly lapped up.  I needed to leave so told him to hold on a while longer and I would bring him more when I returned.  I hated to do that but they were waiting on me.

When I got back, I almost got caught by the kid.  Luckily, I spotted his flashlight as he was heading for the corral.  I put down the gallon I was carrying and turned on my own flashlight and met him at the fence line.  I informed him Walter did not have any water (like he didn't know). You know what he said?... "I gave him water yesterday"...what an asinine reply!  I wanted to say "you ate yesterday, does that mean you did not eat today?"

I think his father must be out of town so he is in charge of Walter. If you have been reading this blog for a while you know how well he takes care of him...grrrrrrr!!!

Came back later as I fully expected he would ignore my petition but believe it or not he filled his water barrel...wonders never cease!


  1. Maybe do that more often...
    Is there a local paper there that you could publish Walter's treatment? Or get the paper to do it.

    1. I had thought about writing a letter to the editor before...the only thing that stopped me was my mother's concern for our safety. She is afraid he would try to retaliate and do something to me or the house.

      I am afraid she might be right. Only a heartless individual would treat his animals the way he does his. The sad part is that out here in the county there are many horses, burros, dogs ,cats, etc that are treated even worst than Walter...that is why he is not worried about getting sanctioned.

      I feed and water him out of compassion. It is just not in my mature to see an animal go hungry or thirsty if I can do something about it. Unfortunately it is not much. I care for Walter but I love my mother and her piece of mind is what matters most in this case.

  2. First time here and you hit a nerve. People have access to the refrigerator, bathroom, and water. Then they believe that their animals should be okay, and if they can't open the door to go outside to pee, they get kicked for doing it on the floor.

    I ALWAYS tell people "How many times have YOU drank water today? Eaten? Used the toilet?"

    1. Hi Lottajoy, I could not agree more with your comment and I am glad you verbalize it to your friends and acquaintances.

      It is a darn shame that people do not realize our pets rely on us and they are just like children.

      Thank you for stopping by.
