My little Walter

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

It was a napping day for the boys

It was raining and cold this morning.  I looked out the kitchen window but did not see any of the cats.  I went to the side door and Paquito and Nico rushed in.  I served them their breakfast and then went outside to find the black cat but he was nowhere to be found.

As I passed one of the cuchas I heard a faint meow.  As I got closer he peaked out and boy he looked worse than he usually does.  If fairness he looked just like most people do when we wake up. He seemed upset about having been awaken...

He hissed at me but quickly realized I was the bearer of food and allowed me to place a bowl of food inside of his cucha. He ate it and went back to sleep for hours!

It stayed cold today and I did not want the boys to come into contact with the black cat so I allowed them to come into the mud/laundry room.  I even set up two new cuchas for them.

This evening they were still there but when I turned on the light Katie rushed out as she for some reason is still afraid of me and Paquito followed her.  Only Nico remained in his new cucha as he was very sleepy.

Thank you for visiting Walter's World.

Cat Saying of the Day


  1. Cats have 9 lives, some rest & food & sleep will get the next life up & purring.

    1. This poor cat has used up a few...hope he has more in the pipeline :(
