My little Walter

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Elvis is becoming a bully / A day of cat naps

Elvis is becoming a bully and is not letting Katie eat though I have set up different feeding stations for both. What pisses me off is that she is becoming subservient to his wishes.  If she eats in one he runs over to push her away and starts eating and vice versa.

She will not come to the mudroom unless I leave but I have to leave the door cracked so she can enter and that is when Elvis tries to rush in and I am not having any of that. Why is she so afraid of me? I had the same problem with Tammie the stray dog...I could never gain her confidence...yet one day the telephone guy or was it the cable guy came and she ran up to him wagging her tail!

Katie is nursing and she looks so thin and worn out.  I put a new bowl of water just for her and her two kittens under dad's car. Today was in the triple digits like in the past couple of days so I added ice cubes to her bowl as well as the other bowls I have for the boys in different shaded parts of the yard.

Katie has a bunny tail as does one of her kittens

All of them enjoyed a nice nap though I could not find Nico...he is a loner now that Sonny is no longer with us they were very close :-(

A napping Paquito thankfully not in the street but in the yard.  He is sporting his new cat collar.

Elvis is just a mess he is still with his rashes.  He decided to make the former stray dogs' water bucket his new cucha.

Here is the new momma taking a break from her brood.

Thank you for visiting Walter's World.

Cat Humor

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