My little Walter

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

November 2020 Cat Update

I can not believe I have not made a post in a month. Katie has not been back and I am very sorry for that because I truly cared about her and enjoyed her presence. Much like Blanca who is Paquito and Nico's mother it really did not matter if she stayed or left though she was much easier to deal with than Blanca. I just wanted her fixed so neither I nor the neighborhood would be saddled with even more stray cats.

I have made great strides with Katie's now full-grown cats. While at first, they would cringe at my touch they now do not mind it. I have Paquito to thank for that. Seems that for better or for worse they have adopted his ways of dealing with me...which is to meow loudly until I cave in and feed them no matter if they have previously been fed or not!

In order for me to feed them, I forced them to put up with me petting them. While they did not like it at first they learned to associate petting with being fed. I will need this when the border between México and the USA finally opens so I can put them in the cat crate and take them to the vet in Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila, México.

I must say they have me well trained!  Please, I do not want any comments telling me what a bad human owner I am for overfeeding them...that is why I NEVER had a family of my is too difficult to deal with cats much less humans!

It has been cold for four days in a row...depending on where you are reading this in Del Rio, Texas anything in the '30s and '40s is considered COLD.

Paquito has been sleeping in the mudroom with the door slightly ajar so he can come and go for the past four nights. Nico only slept there for one night.

As many of you know who are long time readers of my other blog...I suffer from insomnia...cats do not know this malady. So why don't scientists study them?  I would love to sleep for hours like my cats do 😢

Thank you for visiting Walter's World.

Pet Humor


  1. All pets have their own personalities. Once you've established a bond between you and the pets you can then start modifying it to your rules.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the cooler temperatures.

    It's about time.

    1. I am glad I established a bond between my two little ones that I was never able to do so with their mother Katie.
