My little Walter

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Pictures of my girls and boys / winter cuchas

For those new readers to Walter's World thank you for your readership and welcome to my cats' blog. First of all, I want to clarify what "a cucha" is. In Spanish, it is a term to describe a bed for a pet. After the passing of Paquito, I am down to seven stray cats.  

Though I have three large cuchas set out to accommodate them...they tend to congregate on the one I have set out on top of the old washing machine where they obviously do not all fit.

My mother is highly allergic to pet hair and dander so I can not bring them inside except into the kitchen which like in most old houses are located in the back and usually have a door that leads to the backyard.

Grayson, Donald, and Muñeca

We live in the southern part of Val Verde County where fireworks are permitted to be set off. Last week I brought in four of them to protect them from the noise which was considerable. Of course, I had to put them in pet crates and they were not happy about it! Unfortunately, I did not take pictures.

Murderous Molly

Barnabas (who turned out to be a girl), Donald, and Grayson do not like me. Murderous Molly and Bonnie Mae tolerate me...Nicolás and Muñeca 💗 love me 😊


I brought in Nicolás, Bonnie Mae, Muñeca, and Grayson. Being the smallest Grayson and Muñeca shared a crate. Bonnie Mae had her own because Nicolás does not like her. I trust Nico and since I only have two crates he was allowed to roam free in the kitchen something the other three did not like.

Murderous Molly and Barnabas in their respective cuchas

Here is the only recent picture I have of Bonnie Mae (mother to Muñeca, Donald, and Barnabas). She does not spend a lot of time on the property but comes around for breakfast, dinner, and to drink water.

Thank you for visiting Walter's World.


  1. 7 strays, you're doing well MsBelinda.

    1. I hope to keep it at seven Rob. I recently discovered that Barnabas is a girl, and I do not know how I am going to corral her so I can take her to get fixed :-(
