My little Walter

Friday, May 6, 2022

Meet Bonnie Mae's grand kittens!

Luna (formerly known as Barnabas) gave birth to two kittens on March 29, 2022.  They are 5 weeks and 3 days old and are growing up so fast. She formally brought them out of the old water heater closet two weeks ago. They are now on the porch by the kitchen door where I have placed a water bottle obstacle course so they have time to run and hide if some of the other cats want to get to them...but Luna is a good mother always looking out for them.

Luna was born to Bonnie Mae along with Muñeca, and Donald last March 2021. She looked at her grand kittens from afar and then had the gall to hiss at them! 😁

Luna is super dark so it is not easy to photograph her.

Since I do not know what gender they are I have not named them yet.

They have not warmed up to me yet just like their mother but I have to rectify that as she needs to be fixed ASAP.  You might be wondering why I have rocks in their boxes...because they are smaller than water bottles and it keeps them from blowing away with our strong winds.

Both kittens are extremely cute 💓

Thank you for visiting Walter's World.


  1. Kittens are cute in general, these are no exception! Thanks for sharing

  2. They are cute. Many say to let them have litters before having them fixed. We never listened to that. Even at Twenty and Sixteen they were still kittens at heart.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. I have had cats almost all my life...but one at a time...I have always had them fixed be it male or female. With that said, I have never had so many feral cats that one by one just showed up at Mom's and the females had their litters but as soon as I gained their confidence I promptly took them to Mexico to have them fixed.

      In case you are wondering why Mexico? Same reason why I go to there for my medical is a lot a hundred dollars or more. With the close of the borders during the Covid Pandemic I was never able to corral or gain Katie's trust...she is mother to Bonnie Mae and Molly both of which I had fixed. Luna is Bonnie's offspring, and she has never liked me and now is the new mom to these two kittens.
