My little Walter

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Feisty crows

A few days ago I was wheeling the garbage can to the gate when I kept on hearing this high pitch noise coming from the trees across the street. Then I see my one-eye jack Paquito actually looking both ways before crossing the street back to our house with a blackbird in his mouth.

The bird was still alive and all these black birds which I believe were crows were chasing him around. I yelled at him to drop the bird but of course, he never listens to me.  By now Nico and Sonny came to check out the noise and then Nico took the bird away from him and ran off with a swarm of crows following him.

The birds were getting really loud and I was afraid they were going to attack Nico.  Ran inside for my cellphone to take a video but so far have not had any luck uploading it but I will keep on trying.

Paquito got tired of seeing Nico eat the prey "he" had caught and took it away from him.  All the time the crows were getting worked up.

You can not see the crows in the trees but there were plenty of them.

 Sonny was not going to be left out of the feast and he soon joined them.

He moves the crow around but unfortunately, it was already dead.

After their snack, the boys decide to relax and chill  :-(


  1. Those were good pictures, when I enlarged them the birds in the tree showed up pretty well.
    The cats are doing what cats do....but I always feel better when I see them doing it to rodents.

    1. There is no love lost between crows, doves and myself. They are always pooping on the cars and the porch causing me extra work...though like yourself would much prefer they snacked on rodents...which I am afraid of.

  2. Sounds like the grackles down on the coast. What a nasty bird.

    1. Had to Google grackles as I had never heard of them. If they make as much ruckus as the crows I would not want to hear them either.
