My little Walter

Wednesday, May 1, 2019


Why do I have the worst luck?

I was outside transferring water around in my primitive rain catchment system and did not see Katie who blends into the landscape taking a nap and almost stepped on her.  She has no tail and runs like a bunny.  I scared her and she took off like lighting...that is when I noticed she had a wide girth around her belly...oh no...she is preggers!!!

She is the latest that along with a grayish cat has decided to take up residence at mom's house.  I have no idea how I am going to gain her trust so I can trap her and take her to be fixed :-(


  1. The gift that keeps on giving... a pregnant cat.

    1. You came to mind when I was writing this post and almost gave it that title.

      Here I thought I was through with kittens after getting Blanca fixed :-(
