My little Walter

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Katie took off but left Precious behind

This morning Katie and her kittens were nowhere to be found.  The only one that was here was Precious whom I have no idea if it is a male or female.

Wanted to mention that I now believe Katie had five kittens instead of four.  The first time I saw them there were clearly two light orange cats, one black and one black and gray one.  Afterward, the other little orange one went missing and a dark gray kitten came into the picture.

This morning as I was doing yard work I had to lift up Paquito to bring him back into the yard from the street where he was following me as I was picking up trash along our fence line.  That is when I noticed he had a wound near his right upper leg and was bleeding

No one had attacked him as he followed me so I am wondering if he did, in fact, get into a fight with Katie and ran her off.  I figured she would come back later as I was busy doing yard work and could not go find her.  I do believe they are in the empty lot next to my parent's property.  We will see what tomorrow brings.


  1. "As The Kitty World Turns" will continue, stay tuned! :-)

    1. Lol, sometimes it does feel like a soap opera.
