My little Walter

Monday, July 15, 2019

Meet the new pony and his Mom

This morning while it was still relatively cool (76 degrees) and that I could somewhat make my way to the corral after Pollito cut down some of the weeds (he has not come back to finish the job) decided to head that way and meet the little pony.

The pony looks taller than he is because the corral is not leveled and their owner has not removed the poo that was there from years ago. There were LOTS of flies I think for the same reason.

He is so cute and once again I am trying to post a video of him and his Mom, hopefully, my readers will be able to see it.

I could not get close enough to see if there was actual water in their water trough as their owner is not known for keeping it filled at least NOT when Walter, the namesake of this blog lived here.


  1. Replies
    1. Actually the Momma horse has been there for a while, she used to share the space with Walter until his owner sold him.

      I thought the Momma horse was a male so I was surprised when I saw she had had a pony.
