My little Walter

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Wondering about Momma Cat

When I was talking to Mr. Joe's wife the other morning she mentioned that a white cat had been run over on our street corner.  Like myself, she and her family are animal lovers and have taken in their own fair share of strays.

She had stopped to check on it but it looked dead. She went back to her truck to get some paper towels to move it out of the way so other cars would not run over it.  When she safely placed it by the fence she was surprised that it got up and ran into mom's yard.

There is a large stray population in this area but I have only seen two white cats...Blanca (momma cat) and her son Paquito (my terrible now full grown cat).

I have not seen Blanca in a couple of days and I am hoping she is not dead.


  1. Replies
    1. That is what they say Rob but strays have a difficult life out here in Val Verde County...their nine lives are used up faster than those of regular cats :(
